Category Archives: Blog

Continuing your Sophrology Journey as a Practitioner

Carla Forth, Sophrologist and Stress Management Wellbeing Consultant at The Stress Solution has kindly written the following guest post for us about her experience of Sophrology, and how it has helped her in her personal and professional life… When I first started my Sophrology journey with The Sophrology Academy in 2011, I had no idea […]

Train as a Certified Sophrologist at the Sophrology Academy

Train as a Certified Sophrologist at the Sophrology Academy

With our next intake of Sophrology students due to begin their journey here at the Sophrology Academy, we thought this would be a perfect time to talk more in-depth about training with us, and the opportunities open to our students, both personally and professionally upon completing their programme. But first, if you don’t know much […]